ATTENTION: For Salon, Spa and clinic professionals who are serious about taking their salon to the next level...

FINALLY everything you want in one spot!

You deserve an amazing life
 Let's find out and have your 
Best Year Ever...

Get ready to REBOOT your Salon and uncover the secrets to your dreams...

Not USD $297 Just $97 
Less Than $4 a day!

Not $297 Just USD $13 (Less Than 50 cents a day)!

Includes 18 proven strategies to REBOOT you Salon Spa or Clinic to the NEXT level!
Discover your 3 tickets to success!

Based on Lisa's international bestseller, THE NAKED SALON
Over 30,000 copies sold worldwide!

The best get LIVE access to Lisa & lifetime access to the trainings!

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ONE TIME OFFER ($37): You're not just buying Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In condimentum aliquam arcu, ut pharetra nunc feugiat in. Nam tempor dui non mi mollis vulputate. Donec fermentum arcu ac mauris placerat, quis mattis mi porttitor. Nulla condimentum felis lacus, eu viverra dui congue a.

True Freedom In Just

28 Days!

From: Lisa Conway

What does 'REBOOT YOUR SALON' mean to you? For many it will be different, for me it means FREEDOM!

No two businesses are the same.  We are all at different levels, so here you will find 18 trainings that will help you discover which 3 you need the most. 

You deserve to have a business that creates your Wealth, allows time for your Health and has kindness at its Core. 

We tend to be better at looking after everyone else, instead of looking after ourselves and that's a problem!

Lisa Conway
Author, Speaker & Mentor

So, Here Is How The Challenge Works...

For less than $1 per day, I will mentor you over the next 28 Days to help you Reboot your Salon, Spa or Clinic using the same strategies we use with our private clients at The Salon MENTORS.

Normally, one hour of my coaching costs $495.
 However, today the entire program is yours for 
just USD $97 or less than $1 per day

I hear you ask why? 

Because, I am passionate about the value you bring to the community and want to pay it forward to you and your team!

What's in the program?

This challenge is delivered over 4 weeks! But you get the weekend off...

 28 Training videos

 PDF worksheets ready to download

 Real person support from our team

 Guest access to our Salon Mentor Facebook community

 Weekly motivation sessions - to keep you engaged and on track

 8 LIVE Q&A sessions with Lisa (that's 2 per week!)

 30 minute 1-1 HELP call with Lisa

 PLUS - Lifetime access to the training videos 

18 Of My Proven Strategies Including

Understanding your numbers, finding new clients, improving client journey, team culture, create procedures and everything else!

Start with your TOP 3 Challenges and take your business to the NEXT LEVEL! 

Let's Break Down Each Day!


Each day, you will receive an email with a link to the lesson and workbook. 
Most lessons take about 15 minutes.

You have the ability to network and ask questions in the weekly lives zooms with Lisa and connect with others who are doing the challenge with you through the private Facebook group.


You have so much on in your day, forever chasing your tail so
 I have put together 18 strategies to help you find your answer. 

You can't do it all. Just find your top 3 and focus on those.

 Slow down and work on just "one thing" at a time for lasting change. 


You get 28 days of daily 
training videos, weekly LIVE Q&A with Lisa to ask questions, share your wins and get support. 

There is nothing Lisa hasn't heard or seen before. Just ask!

There is something very 
powerful about connecting 
with like minded people. You 
will learn, grow and have 
lots of fun.

Is your answer YES to any of these?

 Do your days get hijacked by someone else's tasks, stopping you from getting to what you really need to be doing?

  Is it quicker for you to do a task than waste time explaining to someone who could help you?

 Does everyone come to you for answers? Are you sick of repeating yourself?

 Do you notice you get new clients every week, yet the total number never changes?

 Can't find staff, even when you have tried everything. 

 Do you hold back from having courageous conversations about performance, in fear of upsetting someone?

 Are you frustrated watching your team wasting time knowing that time is money?

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then I Want To Invite You To Join The 'REBOOT YOUR SALON' Challenge And Change Your Life Forever! 

Need More Information Before You 
Make Your Decision...?

Let me tell you my story, because, trust me I have been in your shoes...

Before I wrote my 3 books, I was a Salon Owner just like you and made every mistake in the business... probably like you.

I had lost my business owners joy and realized I needed to stop doing everything for everyone else all day long, as it was exhausting. I learnt the hard way that your team WILL step up if you get out of the way. Being honest about how to show up for work, be a team player, fix client's problems and to be really honest about what you love and what you hate doing.

When I opened up and was truely honest, things went from strength to strength.

Listening to what the team needed and working together on the tasks made a huge difference, within a few short months, we found our JOY at work again. Things changed when I stepped into being the leader I always wanted to be.

What did that mean - a leader that is honest, transparent and fair, I stopped pretending I knew it all. I realized that whilst we are amazingly creative and skillful professionals, we are not taught the business skills needed to run a Salon, Spa or Clinic successfully!

It's dangerous to run a business blind, it's actually really silly - you wouldn't deliver a client treatment with out the trained skills, or would you? Exactly...

When I learnt to be Salon SMART and lead my team, that's when my business took off, no more guessing and hoping that its going to be OK. I knew WHAT to do, I knew WHEN and I knew WHY
I could have a successful business and a life too. 

I did the work, learned what I needed to and I've never looked back, and YOU CAN TOO!

I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did, getting paid way less than you deserve, that's not right because you work hard and you deserve better.

So I decided to condense my books into a short challenge, because most of you are too busy - being busy - to sit and read a great book (but you should) and that's how the 'REBOOT YOUR SALON' challenge was born!

I know you will enjoy the challenge and if you implement everything I teach you, it will be the best thing you have done for your business in years!

I look forward to seeing you weekly in the LIVE Q&A!

Bye for now...

Lisa's Bestselling Books...

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